Roger Bird launches the CoolCap Fund to help smallholder agriculture in Kenya


Roger Bird has been a banker for more than 35 years, specializing in agricultural lending and international development. He has helped underserved farmers across the globe with projects funded by USAID, Asian Development Bank, Millennium Challenge Corporation, World Bank, and other donor organizations in both the public and private sector. Now, he’s bringing his years of experience and passion for smallholders together in a way that addresses a long-standing bottleneck (financing) that hasn’t broken through … until now!

The reason CoolCap works – “how we do what we do” – lies in Roger’s passion and expertise in the agriculture sector, his experience developing large-scale lending programs in emerging economies, and his relationships in the industry. Roger is putting the full weight of his considerable career into changing the state of smallholder agriculture and improving the lives of good farmers.

Join Roger in making a difference in farm families lives.

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